Flört spelletje, 1xbet – Spelbolag sverige

Naša skupna evropska ideja temelji na univerzalnih vrednotah človekovega dostojanstva, svobode, enakopravnosti in solidarnosti, na načelih demokracije in pravne države, in ko pride do hudih kršitev, je naša skupna dolžnost, da zahtevamo ukrepanje.

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Žalosti me, da danes spet govorimo o Madžarski prav zaradi teh obtožb. Priča smo novim dogodkom, ki vzbujajo skrb in nelagodje, naj omenim samo na področju medijske svobode. Obdavčitev oglaševalskih prihodkov velikih medijev, ki jo je sprejel madžarski parlament, predstavlja grožnjo neodvisnemu novinarstvu. Ukrep bo najbolj prizadel ravno priljubljeno tujo komercialno televizijo, ki je bila v svojem programu pogosto kritična do Orbanove vlade.

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Podobno so oblasti močno posegle v delovanje številnih neodvisnih organizacij, nevladnih. Najhujši udarec so doživele spet tiste, ki so bile najbolj kritične do oblasti. Pa da ne govorim le o Madžarski, naj omenim tudi dogodke v Sloveniji.

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Novinarka uglednega časnika se je v moji državi znašla v pregonu zaradi objave domnevno tajnih podatkov o povezavi skrajno desne neonacistične skupine z opozicijsko stranko. Tožilstvo ji očita ogrožanje državne varnosti, medtem ko je novinarka pri svojem ravnanju delovala v javnem interesu.

Njen pregon je nedopusten.


Kaj bo Evropska komisija, sprašujem, naredila za zaščito temeljnih pravic demokracije, ne le na Madžarskem, ampak po vsej Evropski uniji. Na to želim bolj konkreten odgovor. Hvala lepa.

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We must all operate under an umbrella of respect for democracy and the rule of law. If just one of us neglects those principles, then of course it reflects badly upon all of us. Freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom to protest are all rights that should never be restricted. Yet very little is achieved fekete szex bekötés lecturing one another.

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Far more progress flört spelletje flört spelletje made through a dialogue which is constructive and cooperative. More will always be achieved by offering solutions, not just criticisms. I hope, therefore, that our new Commission Vice-President-elect responsible for the rule of law, Mr Timmermans, will provide a clear and direct link between Member States and fundamental rights within the EU.

This House is entitled to all of its varied and many opinions but I personally believe, as a lawyer, that alleged wrongdoings should be examined with a clear mind and always with fairness and respect. In return, when I express my views, I do not want to be accused of being excessively ideological and attacking, or being part of a left-wing conspiracy, as I keep reading in the Hungarian media.

Let us first make very clear that we are not talking about Hungary here tonight.

Anikó Bajnok (anikbajnok) - Profile | Pinterest

We are talking about Europe — our European Union and our shared values. It is true that we have talked about the situation in Hungary before, but that is because the situation gives reason for concern. Is Hungary the only country where we have reason for concern?

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No, it is not, but it happens that in Hungary the problem is not just one law where Hungary or the Hungarian Government is not respecting the European treaties. The problem is that there is a whole set of laws which probably do not violate the treaties individually, but the overall impact is stifling. It causes a lot of flört spelletje on pluralism and freedom of speech.

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We are talking about opposition political parties, the media, the judiciary, the education sector and civil society. The measures are never laws telling people that they cannot speak their minds, but they are fiscal measures, procurement rules and budgetary measures.

I think that it is very important that we have flört spelletje debate because this is as important for the future functioning of the European Union as the debate on the Stability Pact. I hope that the next Commission is going to be more active, more courageous and less legalistic, because this is about the future of the European Union that belongs to all of us.

Finally, to be fair, something was brought to our attention last weekend and that is the entry ban imposed by the United States against certain unnamed Hungarian Government officials. I do not think that is the way and I think that this also calls for a response from the Commission and the Council because we Europeans are responsible for what happens in Europe.

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We are responsible for safeguarding civil liberties, fundamental rights and the rule of law. I think this is something we debate amongst ourselves and it is not for the Americans to tell us.

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Ce qui se passe en Hongrie en fait partie. Orbán veut désormais construire un État illibéral. Ses modèles sont flört spelletje Chine, la Russie et la Turquie, et il veut rompre avec les dogmes et les idéologies de l'Ouest. Malheureusement, les faits accompagnent les mots: les ONG sont des agents politiques payés par l'étranger, accusés d'"espionnage au bénéfice des Vikings", comme le dit Kehi, l'office de contrôle du flört spelletje. En cause: des ONG qui luttent contre la corruption, pour les LGBT, les Flört spelletje et les droits de l'homme en général, financées par un fonds norvégien pour la société civile, d'où les "Vikings".

Parallèlement, les médias et la justice continuent d'être mis au pas. Certes, les résultats des élections sont là, mais la loi électorale a été modifiée pour mieux servir les intérêts du parti majoritaire. Le Fidesz a été omniprésent dans les médias et l'OSCE — excusez du flört spelletje — le dit: "Les élections en Hongrie sont libres mais pas démocratiques". Et que font les institutions européennes?

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